View Point

The Dividends of Trust

Pakistan faces digital vulnerability and cybersecurity, rapid inflation, debt crisis, possible state collapse, interstate conflict and terrorism as top risks for the next 24 months

Dream of an Egalitarian State  

Quaid-e-Azam never envisioned Pakistan as a theocratic state, governed and dictated by clerics

A Borrowed System

There is a constant conflict between the old and new institutions. The anachronistic ones don’t fit into the overall structure that modern political and social fabric demands

Back to Reality

Over the last few months, Pakistan has lived through a drama worthy of an Oscar with larger-than-life heroes and villains, epic battles between good...

Article 63-A: Confessions of a voter

Those were the day when Farooq Leghari was the president of Pakistan. He had already dismissed the government of his benefactor Bibi Sahiba Shaheed...

