Tag: PTI

Democracy vs Stability

With another election on the horizon, there are many who continue to place their hopes in the electoral processes, but past experiences raise doubts about its effectiveness in bringing lasting stability.

PDM Govt’s FY23 Economic Scorecard the Worst in Pakistan’s History

Critics say that no economic plan is likely to work until the country first puts an end to the political instability

Imran Khan’s Ephemeral Rise

What appeared as a step forward for the former premier’s politics, triggered a massive crackdown on the PTI. Scores of his close aides, frontline party members and lawmakers announced to quit the party, and some even politics while expressing regret over the May 9th attacks on the army installations

Pak Army vows to punish those responsible for May 9 violence

Noose of law is also tightened around the planners and masterminds, who mounted the hate ripened and politically driven rebellion against the state and state institutions  

Another Sad Day!

Pakistan's political crisis is getting out of hand. It has all the potential to damage the state. Therefore, saner minds should come forward and help diffuse the situation before it is too late.

Imran Khan, Red Lines and the Goliath

Despite heavy odds, Imran Khan’s popularity refuses to wane

Mega Failures

‘Politics as usual’ is destroying Pakistan. The continuing political instability has widened fault lines in the country, while the ballooning economic crisis is biting...

The Burden of Telling the Truth

Here I discharge my burden of telling the truth: if some bloated egos are more important than the state, there would be no remedy

Our focus should be the economy, but the PTI and the PDM are talking about everything else.

“Our focus should be the economy, but the PTI and the PDM are talking about everything else.”

The Umbilical Cord

The United States remains the last fallback for Pakistan in times of every economic crisis



2024: Election Year in Pakistan & More Than 50 Other Countries

KARACHI: 2024, dubbed as the biggest election year in...

Govt. says no plans to downsize FBR workforce

Restructuring of FBR is on the govt.'s agenda to...

Bangladesh’s Sheikh Hasina appears to win 4th straight elections

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazid is all set...

Afghan Repatriation & Transit Trade Standoff

The repatriation of Afghans faces a major hurdle, not...

Unlocking the Mission: Washington’s Wishlist for its Pakistan Envoy

The US mission in Pakistan has been mandated with...

SPAR6C: Powering Pakistan & the World for Climate Action, Green Growth

The program selects four countries -- Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Zambia -- each at different stages of institutional capacity, climate change mitigation strategy development, and NDC progress tracking.

Israel’s Existential Anxiety & Quest for Peace

In the tumultuous landscape of the Middle East, the...

The Corporate Assault on Pakistan’s Small Dairies.

The dairy sector stands as a pivotal sub-sector within...

India Deploys Naval Officers for Espionage, Again

India has been exposed multiple times for its espionage activities...

Building a Trustworthy Media Entity in the Age of AI & Declining Confidence

The unprecedented speed and scale at which AI can...