Tag: India

India’s Disinformation Landscape

Rule of law, judiciary and constitution takes a blow in Modi’s India

Unlocking the Mission: Washington’s Wishlist for its Pakistan Envoy

The US mission in Pakistan has been mandated with specific mission objectives… it includes focuses on ensuring that Pakistan’s military capabilities do not pose...

Varying Regional Penchants

In the first-half of 2023, some interesting developments in Pakistan’s western neighborhood again brought the world’s focus to this region. Ceasefire in Yemen, Saudi-Iran...

India’s UNSC Reform Agenda Amidst Regional Intricacies

The unresolved border disputes, past military interventions, and alleged espionage activities raise alarm bells about India's ability to contribute to regional stability. Moreover, its tendency to adopt an assertive stance rather than addressing these issues transparently further clouds its credentials in global security affairs.

Armed Forces’ Reforms Agenda

In the times of grave economic crisis, keeping the armed forces battle-ready against a much bigger enemy requires sweeping reforms and creative thinking

The Umbilical Cord

The United States remains the last fallback for Pakistan in times of every economic crisis

Occupied Kashmir Bleeds

Although the precarious food and economic situation of Pakistan is understandable, sacrifices made by Kashmiris should not be bartered for onions and tomatoes

Difficult Choices

For Pakistan, a balancing act between the US-led Western bloc and the emerging Russia-China alliance is easier said than done

Pulling the plug

According to new US rules, committee may consider harsher punishments where a foreign company's violation of an agreement poses a significant threat to national security

Imran Khan kicks off PTI long march from Lahore

PTI dedicats its long march to slain journalist Arshad Sharif



2024: Election Year in Pakistan & More Than 50 Other Countries

KARACHI: 2024, dubbed as the biggest election year in...

Govt. says no plans to downsize FBR workforce

Restructuring of FBR is on the govt.'s agenda to...

Bangladesh’s Sheikh Hasina appears to win 4th straight elections

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazid is all set...

Afghan Repatriation & Transit Trade Standoff

The repatriation of Afghans faces a major hurdle, not...

Unlocking the Mission: Washington’s Wishlist for its Pakistan Envoy

The US mission in Pakistan has been mandated with...

SPAR6C: Powering Pakistan & the World for Climate Action, Green Growth

The program selects four countries -- Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Zambia -- each at different stages of institutional capacity, climate change mitigation strategy development, and NDC progress tracking.

Israel’s Existential Anxiety & Quest for Peace

In the tumultuous landscape of the Middle East, the...

The Corporate Assault on Pakistan’s Small Dairies.

The dairy sector stands as a pivotal sub-sector within...

India Deploys Naval Officers for Espionage, Again

India has been exposed multiple times for its espionage activities...

Building a Trustworthy Media Entity in the Age of AI & Declining Confidence

The unprecedented speed and scale at which AI can...