Protecting Pakistan’s Economic Sovereignty


The country needs a new framework for “Economic Justice”

In an era where economic stability defines the strength of nations, Pakistan must take bold steps to safeguard its future. Our economic well-being is not just about numbers — it’s about sovereignty, stability, and the livelihood of millions of Pakistanis. With internal challenges and external pressures threatening this stability, there is an urgent need for a new approach and a robust strategy to defend the country’s economic agenda. This requires an ‘Economic Justice Plan that can aim to address economic sovereignty by legally protecting Pakistan’s economic interests and ensuring accountability for those who undermine them.

A National Economic Protection Act

At the heart of this new strategy should be the National Economic Protection Act (NEPA), a comprehensive legal framework that criminalizes any activity designed to sabotage Pakistan’s economic growth. Whether it’s financial fraud, capital flight, or disrupting key national projects, all such actions need to be treated as a direct threat to the country’s future.

Under this plan, Article 6 of the Constitution, which currently deals with high treason, should be expanded to include economic treason. Individuals or entities found guilty of sabotaging Pakistan’s economic agenda must face severe penalties from life imprisonment to the death penalty in extreme cases. Such legislation would emphasize the seriousness of economic sabotage, aligning it with acts of treason that threaten the nation’s security.

To ensure swift justice, special economic courts should be established under Article 175. These courts, staffed with judges trained in economic and financial law, would operate independently of political influence, ensuring impartial trials for those accused of harming the national economy.

Securing the National Economic Agenda

Pakistan’s economic future is intricately tied to long-term projects such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), energy infrastructure, climate change investments and defense collaborations. These projects, vital to the country’s growth, must be protected from interference or disruption.

To this end, the government must create a Supreme Economic Council (SEC), a panel of experts tasked with safeguarding national economic interests. This council would advise on policies and act as a watchdog, ensuring that political or external pressures do not derail critical projects.

A National Economic Resilience Task Force also needs to be formed to respond to any threats to Pakistan’s economy. Such a body should work closely with intelligence agencies to detect and counter efforts — whether domestic or international — aimed at destabilizing key economic initiatives.

Holding Economic Saboteurs Accountable

One of the key pillars of the Economic Justice Plan should be accountability. Corruption, mismanagement, and financial misconduct have long plagued the public and the private sectors, hampering growth and prosperity. To combat this, enhanced financial accountability laws remains a must.

Those in positions of power, misusing public resources or mismanaging the economy for personal gain must face strict penalties, including disqualification from the public office, hefty fines, and imprisonment. This framework should ensure that no one — whether a government official or a corporate leader — can escape justice if they harm the country’s economic stability. The provision of harming the economy will create a new mandate that currently restricts other accountability instruments, including the National Accountability Bureau or the Ombudsman’s office, from acting in the national interest.

Moreover, mandatory audits should be introduced for all major government-led economic projects to ensure transparency and prevent corruption in concurrent with the Auditor General of Pakistan’s office.

Economic Justice for the People

Economic justice isn’t just about protecting government projects; it’s about ensuring prosperity for every Pakistani. The People-Centered Economic Justice Framework should prioritize basic economic rights, ensuring job creation, fair wages, and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of their background.

This includes the establishment of a progressive taxation system, ensuring that the wealthy contribute their fair share to national development. Revenue generated through such a system should be reinvested in social programs and infrastructure, driving inclusive growth and reducing income inequality.

While any infrigments on the rights of the people to pursue economic prosperity should be handled with the provisions of the law. Any disrution in the citizen’s pursued of economic prosperity and progress should be criminalized and made accountable at all levels.

At the same time, public-private partnerships needs to be encouraged to stimulate innovation, create jobs, and uplift marginalized communities. Economic justice means ensuring that the benefits of national growth reach everyone, not just a select few.

Strengthening Legal Protections for Economic Sovereignty

Amendments to Article 175 of the Constitution can enhance the judiciary’s role in protecting Pakistan’s economic interests. Special economic courts can be empowered to handle complex financial cases swiftly and impartially, ensuring timely justice.

In addition, all the international agreements—particularly those relating to trade, energy, climate change, and defense — must include economic safeguard clauses to protect Pakistan’s sovereignty. These clauses would ensure that no foreign entity can interfere with our economic agenda without facing legal repercussions.

Collaboration on a Global Stage

Pakistan must engage strategically with the world. The Economic Justice Plan emphasizes the importance of building partnerships with international allies in energy, defense, climate sustainbility and trade while safeguarding our economic autonomy.

By fostering these collaborations, Pakistan can drive innovation and growth, positioning itself as a key player in the global economy. At the same time, the plan can prepare Pakistan to resist any form of economic warfare — including sanctions or international policies designed to weaken the nation’s economy — through diplomatic and legal channels.

A Vision for Economic Sovereignty

The Economic Justice Plan is not just a policy; it’s a vision for a stronger, more prosperous Pakistan. By expanding Article 6 to include economic treason, establishing special economic courts under Article 175, and creating a robust accountability framework, Pakistan can protect its economic interests and ensure that no one — inside or outside the country — can undermine its future.

The supreme goal of this plan is clear: to make Pakistan’s economic prosperity the highest national priority, and ensuring that the nation’s growth benefits all its people. As we stand at the crossroads of opportunity and challenge, this plan offers a clear path forward to secure Pakistan’s place in the global economy and safeguard the well-being of its citizens.

The time to act is now. Pakistan’s future depends on it.

Amir Jahangir
Amir Jahangir
The writer is a global competitiveness, risk, and development expert. He leads Mishal Pakistan, the country partner institute of the Centre for the New Economy and Society Platform at the World Economic Forum.

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