Bilawal visits Chinese Embassy after assuming charge as FM


The relationship between Pakistan and China is a series of loyalty across generations, Bilawal Bhutto said during his maiden visit to the Chinese Embassy after assuming charge as the foreign minister.

“The terrorists made a failed attempt to strike on the basis of the Pak-China friendship. The malicious intentions of terrorists could not sabotage Pak-China friendship,” he added.

The foreign minister also recorded his impressions in a guest book at the Chinese embassy.

Chairman Bilawal also had the honour of becoming the youngest foreign minister in the history of the country as he was sworn in at the age of 33 years, seven months and six days.

Bilawal oath taking | Daily Narratives from Narratives Magazine

Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was 35 years, five months and ten days old when he was sworn in as the foreign minister while Hina Rabbani Khar was 33 years, eight months and a day old.

Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari became the 37th foreign minister of the country. His grandfather, Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, had served the country as the 12th foreign minister of Pakistan.

During his visit to the foreign ministry, the officials briefed Chairman Bilawal on Pakistan’s relations with the rest of the world.

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